Poznać nas
To jest akapit o Twojej firmie. Poinformuj odwiedzających, kim jesteś, co robisz i o co chodzi w Twojej witrynie. Kliknij dwukrotnie pole tekstowe, aby edytować tekst i dodać wszystkie informacje, które chcesz udostępnić.
Because we at PMW are aware that the specifics of each person's life are unrepeatable, we customise all of our suggestions and services to meet the requirements of each individual customer. Among the topics that we could discuss are the following:
Utility bills
Energy counselling
Benefit checks
Grant applications
Budgeting advice
Helpful hints and advice for saving money
In addition, we provide local charities and other community organisations with training, workshops, and assistance. Our courses provide training on a wide range of subjects, and our knowledgeable instructors may deliver this education to you either online or in intimate settings at convenient locations near you. We aim to make it possible for anyone to participate in helpful, informative seminars that will assist them in better managing their finances and developing their digital skills.
Our goal is to provide individuals with the knowledge and abilities necessary to manage their household finances more efficiently and self-assuredly, increase their capacity for generating income, reduce their outgoing expenses, and be aware of the resources available to them when they require additional assistance.